Entrance Requirements

In order to qualify for entrance into HTC it is required that the prospective student be a professing Christian whose Christian character has been demonstrated and observed in the context of the local church. A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s church leadership or pastor to this effect is considered essential and therefore required.

For students who want to work towards the Bachelor of Theology, the minimum requirements are 5 O Levels, one of which must be English Language as English is the primary means of communication at HTC and 2 A Levels.

For students who want to work towards one of the Diploma courses, the minimum requirements are 5 O Levels, one of which must be English Language as English is the primary means of communication at HTC.

There are no academic requirements for the Foundations Certificate. Similarly, those who merely wish to attend a class for non-academic purposes do not have to have O Levels.

Mature entry exceptions can be made for an applicant who does not have the necessary academic entrance requirements. Please speak to the Registrar about this.

All prospective students will be expected to write an HTC entrance exam and sit for an interview before an admissions committee once all documentation has been completed and submitted. After the prospective student has been interviewed, a final decision will be made on the suitability of the applicant for studies at HTC. A letter from the Registrar will notify the applicant of the admissions committee’s decision.

All new students must attend a mandatory new student orientation held at the start of each term.