Our Philosophy of Education

At HTC our ambition in theological education is to equip students to think and live theologically.  Fundamentally, this means that we want to produce students who love and fear the word of God above everything else.  At HTC, we affirm that the Bible is to be received as the authoritative word of God, and as the supreme written norm by which God binds the conscience, and that the authority of the church is subordinate to that of Scripture.

Although our faculty is denominationally diverse, we all stand on the word of God as the final arbiter of truth in this universe.  We maintain our doctrinal differences in charity as we continue to help each other see what God has really said in his word.  God has ordained that we study his word in community, as the church – that together we can see more than if we tried to understand his word on our own.  In practice this means that our students will be exposed to various theological frameworks and views thereby compelling them to study the Bible for themselves, and rest ultimately – not on the word of man – but on the word of God.

Diversity can be a cause for division, but at HTC we view it as our strength.  God has made each of us different, and given us different capacities and gifts.  Together we are greater than apart.